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Covid Prevention Measures in GP Practices


From 27th January sees the lifting of all remaining ‘Plan B’ measures around covid. People will no longer be advised to work from home, face coverings will no longer be mandatory in indoor venues, and organisations will be able to choose whether to require NHS COVID Passe

However, it is important to note that in GP practices and all NHS settings, there are different infection control procedures in place which allow us to continue to see patients face-to-face.

All patients who visit the practice must continue to wear masks or face coverings, and to maintain social distancing. 

These measures help us protect patients – especially those who may be vulnerable – as well as our staff.

Covid isolation regulations are also stricter for NHS staff than they are for the public. Isolating staff are also not allowed to provide any patient-facing services. When team members must isolate, it inevitably has a knock-on effect on services we can offer to you.

By following these simple measures, you are helping to protect fellow patients, and making it easier for us to continue to see patients in person when needed.

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