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Viruses spread more quickly in winter: Get Boosted

Viruses spread more quickly in winter: Get Boosted Vaccinations are your best protection against covid-19 and flu, which spread more quickly in winter, and can both cause serious illness. Protection provided by covid-19 vaccines decreases over time, so if you are over 50, in an at-risk group or pregnant, boost your immunity this winter. Because … Continued

New Vacancy: Clinical Social Prescribing Link Worker

New Vacancy: Clinical Social Prescribing Link Worker Role Clinical Social Prescribing Link Worker Location GP Practices in Jesmond and Gosforth Working Pattern Full-time Contract Permanent Salary Band 5 Salary £27,055 to £32,934 a year Apply Via NHS Jobs (reference A2301-22-3676) by 31st October Our neighbouring Primary Care Network (PCN) in Jesmond and Lower Gosforth have … Continued

Your Views: What do you think of our website?

Your Views: What do you think of our website? We launched our new website earlier this year after a joint project between GP practices across Newcastle and Gateshead. The project was funded by the NHS Digital First Primary Care programme, which works on improving patients’ access to advice, support and treatment through digital technology. Part … Continued

Stoptober: How to keep going with your quit attempt

Stoptober: How to keep going with your quit attempt At the start of October, thousands of people joined in with Stoptober – an attempt to go smoke-free for 28 days. If you are one of the people taking part in Stoptober, we wanted to offer some encouragement and tips on how to keep going. Why … Continued

How PCNs work with GP practices to benefit patients

How PCNs work with GP practices to benefit patients When the NHS introduced Primary Care Networks in 2019, part of their aim was to keep our GP practices at the heart of primary care. The PCN system has provided flexibility for practices to shape the care and services they offer to meet their patients’ specific, … Continued

Community Peer Support Groups: Autumn Dates

Community Peer Support Groups: Autumn Dates Here are the upcoming dates and locations for the Community Peer Support Groups, run on behalf of our PCN by Mental Health Concern. All groups are free to attend. Autumn Dates Group Description Location Dates Time Community Garden No experience necessary. Enjoy some fresh air and good company. Kingston … Continued

Be kind to your mind this World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day, 10th October 2022 There are small things we can all do to help be kind to our mind and these can make a big difference to how we feel. That’s why a new Better Health – Every Mind Matters campaign is being launched, helping us find those little things we can … Continued

Smokers Encouraged To Join Stoptober

Smokers Encouraged To Join Stoptober Stoptober is back, calling on smokers in England to join more than 2.5 million others who have made a quit attempt with the campaign since it launched a decade ago in 2012. Nearly 6 million adults in England still smoke, and it remains the single biggest behavioural cause of preventable … Continued